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  PSY 102 Syllabus

Bermuda College, Division of Arts and Science

Psychology 1102 * 02:  Introduction to Psychology II

Spring 2022

Tuesday, 6-9pm

Hallet Hall H100




Professor:  Dr.  Jeremiah M. Faries

Office hours      (schedule)                                                             

Office:   West Hall 316                                                                                     

Phone:   236-9000  ext. 4266

email:   mailto:jfaries@college.bm

                webpage:  www.3dharbour.com/jmf/                           


Prerequisite:   Psychology 1101


Goals of the Course:  The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of several areas of the study of human thought and behaviour.  In this course we focus on a more practical side of psychology compared to the topics studied in Psychology 1101.  We will cover topics that apply psychological knowledge and methods to questions about how people behave in social situations and how an individual's personality develops and can be described.  You will learn how to predict and explain a variety of social behaviours from romantic love to psychopathological aggression.  The focus of these topics will be the theories that explain them and you will learn to evaluate theoretical offerings rather than simply accept them as fact. 

 We will also spend some time considering how humans develop in the early stages of life where a great deal of change occurs as well as how people develop throughout the life span.  You will learn about the various challenges and skills that develop in each stage of a human's life.  You will recognize the biological contributions to development as well as the various environmental influences.  You will be able to explain why particular activities are important during particular developmental ages in order to maximize healthy development. 

 In addition, we will cover issues about when normal human behaviour patterns break down (abnormal psychology) and how those problems are dealt with in practice.  We will examine several different perspectives of human behaviour and you will be able to discern between these very different explanations about human personality.  You will be able to use these perspectives to explain problems such as depression, schizophrenia, mania, obsessive compulsive disorder and other anxiety disorders.  More importantly, you will be able to describe treatment options that are related to each of the perspectives and should decide which if any make the most sense and offer the most help to suffering individuals. 


Classes and Assignments:   Each topic will include a chapter reading and several short online video lectures to introduce the topic.   We will meet on Tuesday night at 6 pm for a while to give you a chance to ask any questions, express concerns about the information provided, and to clear up any misunderstandings.   It is imperative that you are prepared for these online meetings by having watched the videos and read the related chapter.   Each week you will prepare a short reading assignment which is outlined on the following page.  Please submit these to Moodle on or before the first day we discuss the chapter in class.   We will sometimes use your assignments as part of class or small group activities.  Moreover, for each chapter we cover you will be asked to complete a chapter quiz online.   This will be short (10 multiple choice questions) and you will have 5 tries to complete the quiz for each chapter (The questions and answer order may change for each attempt.   There are two exams:  a online midterm and a final that will include multiple choice and short answer essay questions.  You are expected to attend all Zoom meetings and complete all assignments and exams in timely fashion.  Should there be a problem with those expectations please see me to arrange an alternative way to satisfy your obligations.  I reserve the right to deduct grade points for unexcused late work.  PLEASE CHECK YOUR COLLEGE ISSUED EMAIL ON A REGULAR BASIS AS IT IS THE MOST RELIABLE WAY TO CONTACT YOU OUTSIDE OF CLASS.

Textbook:  Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L.,,Loftus, G. R. and Lutz, C., (2014) Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology (16th edition),  Cengage Publishing.  ISBN-13: 978-1-4080-8902-6 / ISBN-10: 1-4080-8902-5




Grading:    Grades will be based on chapter quizzes, a midterm and a final exam as well as your short weekly assignment.



 15 %     

Weekly assignments/  class participation

30 %       

Chapter Quizzes

 25 %   

Midterm Exam

 30 %   

Final Exam




Weekly Assignment:   Due each Monday:


Each week we will read at least one chapter of the text plus occasional supplementary materials.  To help prepare you for our discussion of the material I ask that you do the following short assignment.    This assignment should not take much of your time as each point should only be a sentence or two.      PLEASE SUBMIT THESE TO MOODLE ON OR BEFORE THE FIRST DAY WE DISCUSS THE TOPIC IN CLASS



1.  Identify ONE major claim and evaluate the kind of evidence used to support it?


2.  Briefly describe one example from your own experience or someone you know that    

is relevant for the topic in this chapter. 


3.   Identify one thing you disagree with about either the theories outlined or the

            use of the evidence to support them?  Be specific


4.  Ask one good question about the chapter.



These will be graded as follows:

              2 points:  All items addressed correctly

              1 point:  Incomplete OR missing some details

              0 point:   Not submitted or very insubstantial



Chapter Quizzes:  DUE – a few days after we finish discussing the chapter in class


Each quiz will consist of 10 randomly selected Multiple choice questions for the chapter.   You will have 5 chances to improve your grade for the quiz, but keep in mind that each trial may consist of different questions.   This quiz will be done online you may consult your textbook but keep in mind and you will have a time limit for each attempt of 15 minutes.   You may not consult other people or the internet to complete this quiz.  Your grade will be the best answer out of all your submitted attempts before the deadline.  


* While each quiz is ongoing, you will only be given feedback as to which questions you get right and wrong and it will not indicate the correct answer at that time. The reason for this is to encourage you to actively seek the information in your textbook resource so to better understand the material.     After the quiz closes you will be able to review answers with moodle giving you the correct answer to help you study.  



Psychology 1102, Introduction to Psychology II






Jan 18

Introduction and overview of course




Jan 25

Life Span Development                                                    

Chapter 3




Feb 01

Social Influence

Chapter 17


Feb 08

Social Influence

Chapter 17


Feb 15

Social Cognition

Chapter 18


Feb 22

Social Cognition

Chapter 18





Mar 01

Midterm Exam (chapter 3, 17, 18)


Mar 7 - 11




Mar 15

Personality Theory and Development

Chapter 13


Mar 22

Stress and Coping

Chapter 14


Mar 29

Abnormal Behaviour

Chapter 15


Apr 05

Abnormal Behaviour

Chapter 15



Apr 12

Abnormal Behaviour

Chapter 15


Apr 19

Clinical and Educational Practices

Chapter 16


Apr 26

Clinical and Educational Practices

Chapter 16


May 3

Final Exam






Copyright © 2021 - Jeremiah M. Faries