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  PSY 240 Syllabus

Bermuda College, Division of Arts and Science

Psychology 2240:  Human Development

Spring 2022

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 12:35 to 1:25

Hallet Hall H273




Professor:  Dr.  Jeremiah M. Faries

Office hours      (schedule)

Office:   West Hall 316                                                                                     

Phone:   236-9000  ext. 4266

email:   mailto:jfaries@college.bm

webpage:  www.3dharbour.com/jmf/                           


Prerequisite:  PSY 1101/1102


Goals of the Course:  This course will focus on the cognitive and social changes humans experience as they move through life.  We consider various stages during the course of a human lifespan from before birth to death and will examine the abilities and inclinations of people during those stages.  You will complete the course with an understanding of the important developmental events for each time period in a person's life.  You will be able to identify the important changes and challenges that individuals of particular ages encounter.  You will be able to identify the important experiences that occur during each stage and how those experiences help move the developmental process along.


Classes and Assignments:   This seminar style course will be a combination of lecture and discussion format.  I will upload shortish recorded lecture videos on Moodle and you will have chapter readings to provide the informational aspect of the course. And I hope to use our live Zoom meetings to address questions and criticisms you have of the information in order to deepen your understanding.    I hope you will think critically about the topics we cover and that you will feel free to raise questions and comment on what you study.   To that end you will be required to prepare and submit a short weekly assignment based on the readings for the week.  The details of this weekly assignment are outlined below.  You will also be preparing a research project in the form of a written paper.  In addition to submitting a research paper, you will be presenting the product of  your research to the class.  You are expected to attend all lectures and complete all assignments in timely fashion.   Should there be a problem with those expectations please see me to arrange an alternative way to satisfy your obligations.  I reserve the right to deduct grade points for unexcused late work. 


Textbook:     Feldman, R, (2017)  Development across the lifespan 8e, isbn 978-0-13-422589-0, Pearson.


Grading:    Grades will be based on your weekly assignments and class participation, term paper, plus a midterm and final exam.  



 15 %     

Weekly assignments /class participation

 30 %                    

Term Paper

 25 %   

Midterm Exam

 30 %   

Final Exam


Weekly Assignment:   Due each MONDAY


Each week we will read at least one chapter of the text plus occasional supplementary materials.  To help prepare you for our tutorial discussion of the material I ask that you do the following short assignment.    This assignment should not take much of your time as each point should only be a sentence or two.    It can even be handwritten but I suggest you make a copy for yourself as not all of these assignments may be returned.


1.  Identify  ONE major claim and evaluate the kind of evidence used to support it?


2.  Briefly describe one  example from your own experience or someone you know that   

is relevant for the topic in this chapter. 


3.  Identify one thing you agree with about either the theories outlined or the

                use of the evidence to support them?  Be specific.


4.   Identify one thing you disagree with about either the theories outlined or the

                use of the evidence to support them?  Be specific


5.  Identify at least one thing that surprised you in this reading.


6.  Ask one good question about the chapter.




 Psychology 2240, Human Development








Jan 17-21

Introductionl Theoretical,Philosophical & Scientific bases

Chapter 1




Jan 24-28

Prenatal Development

Chapter 2




Jan 31-04

Infancy:  Physical and Cognitive Development

Chapter 4 and 5




Feb 07-11

Infancy:  Social and Personality Development

Chapter 6




Feb 14-18

Early Childhood:  Physical and Cognitive Development

Chapter 7




Feb 21-Feb28

Early Childhood:  Social and Personality Development

Chapter 8




Mar 02

Midterm Exam





Mar 7-11

Middle Childhood:  Development

Chapter 9,10




Mar 14-18






Mar 21-25

Adolescence:  Physical and Cognitive Development

Chapter 11




Mar 28-30

Adolescence:  Social and Personality Development

Chapter 12




Apr 04-08

Early Adulthood

Chapter 13,14




Apr 11-15

Middle Adulthood

Chapter 15,16




Apr 18-22

Late Adulthood

Chapter 17,18




Apr 25-29

Student Presentations; TERM PAPER DUE Apr 29








May ???

Final Exam



Copyright © 2021 - Jeremiah M. Faries